Siberian husky is a member of the Working group. The breed belongs to the Spitz genetic family. It is recognizable by its thickly-furred double coat, sickle tail, erect triangular ears and distinctive markings. The ideal Siberian husky is about fifty pounds and twenty-two inches high at the shoulder. The coat is double layered and not too frizzy, silky or too long. All of their body parts in proportion give them a look of a smoothly flowing, athletic little wolf.
They are square dogs, built to efficiently keep in body heat. Their double-layered coats shed out completely once or twice a year. They come in almost all colors of the canine rainbow (Harlequin is about the only color not seen - yet).
They look strong and ready to run. By nature they are gentle and liveliness. Huskies are independent, stubborn, energetic, pack animals that require specific care and training to maintain their happiness and health. Siberian Huskies, like wolves, have a pack mentality and are unhappy and bored without constant interaction with either humans or other dogs.
To train Siberian Husky Puppies is somewhat difficult as you cannot force them to obey you due to their strong will and independent thinking. Also Siberian husky puppies are easily bored with repetitive tasks. They will be happy to obey you as long as there isn't something more interesting to distract them. To train them properly, you will require a lot of persistence and patience. Their ability to think for themselves and for the pack (or team) is a bigger drive than many to wander and explore.They can be persistent at stealing food and should never be left in the kitchen unsupervised. You must be the undisputed pack leader with this breed!
Simple skills such as toilet training, not damaging furniture and social skills with outsiders are a must for your Siberian husky puppy. Siberian husky puppies are very enthusiastic when they meet new people. This lively and mild-tempered dog simply makes a great family pet.
Regular, scheduled checkups are necessary for the healthy development of Siberian husky puppies. Husky puppies also require a healthy, well-balanced diet. Overfeeding and corresponding lack of exercise is often the cause of obesity amongst husky puppies. Instead, choose a well-balanced diet which should ideally consist of fish and white meat. Husky puppies also need fish oil in their diet in order to develop a healthy coat of fur and nails.
Make sure you bring your Siberian husky puppy for regular exercise. Exercise is not only necessary to keep your dog in good shape and preventing obesity, it is also important in familiarizing your husky puppy with its living environment. Health problems often develop in dogs that lack exercise. Introduce your Siberian husky puppy to your neighbors. This allows it to develop greater people skills which are necessary for its growth in time to come. Under ordinary circumstances this is a high energy active dog that can live a long time without problems.
Raising Siberian husky puppies require a great deal of time, effort and commitment. It is important to make the effort to provide your husky puppies with the necessary care. Ability to do so will guarantee healthy growth of your husky puppy in time to come as well as many years of satisfaction in the future.
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